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What made 2017 great is the fact that 2018 will be different because of it

It’s been a year of mixed feelings. It started well and then towards the end, tragedy hit the family and we lost family members that were dear to us. Their was emotional growth and pain in all this. It was mixed feelings. Nothing happens to us in vain, look closely and you will find a lesson that will make you grow and become a better person for it.

I’m certain that 2018 will be better because of everything that happened in 2017. I say that because I have learnt to be more attentive to what happens to us, good or bad. Nothing is in vain if you take time to learn and draw lessons.

If their is one think I picked from 2018 is that the beginning is always going to be hard  no matter what you decide to do. We have to learn to be like children and be relentless in pursuing what we want to achieve in our lives. Children don’t give up. They will keep trying to get it right until we adults with our biases come in to stop them because we don’t want to see them get hurt. Of-course we do it because we love them.

Imagine if children gave up easily. They would never learn how to walk, talk, eat, ride a bike and many other things we adults take for granted. We adults give up on the first sign of difficulty or rejection. We are scared of failing, of being laughed at and ridiculed. We have built this perception of ourselves based on events that happened to us in the past and have allowed them to define us. Whatever happened in the past belongs in the past and that’s it !. Keep them there. What only matters is what you want to be the rest is nothing but noise. Keep your eye on the ball and drop it as many times as possible, but remember what matters is that you pick it up again.

Whatever happened in the past belongs in the past and that’s it !. Keep them there. What only matters is what you want to be the rest is nothing but noise. Keep your eye on the ball and drop it as many times as possible, but remember what matters is that you pick it up again.

I’m ready to mess it all up this year because I truly believe that’s the only way to fix it. Stand up and feel the pain, because that’s the only way you are going to feel better. Obstacles are not the way, they are the only way, get over yourself. Get grinding.

Be self sufficient because no one really cares. People are busy caring and worrying about themselves most of the time. I don’t advocate that you become numb to other people’s pain but I’m saying invest in yourself and be better and be enough for yourself. Whatever you define as success will come when you deserve it.

Someone that I have immense respect for said ; we need to learn to take a humility pill and leave our ego at the door if we are to learn and grow. I believe that the journey of learning involves a lot of unlearning. Keep improving, it never ends, embrace it.

I plan to keep them short moving forward. I hope that you can pick a lesson or two. I’m a lifelong student and I plan  to share with my readers a lot more. If you are roaring to be the best version of yourself this coming year please leave a comment and also share so others can also see it. Have a blessed new year and a merry Christmas. Remember to keep hope alive!


Published ineducationLife hacksPersonal growth


  1. GMasadde GMasadde

    Awesome piece Alex! “What only matters is what you want to be the rest is noise!” Very well said! Be blessed.

    • Thanks alot for appreciating. We have to keep looking ahead. What happened in the past belongs exactly where it needs to be, in the past. It shouldn’t define us.

  2. Phiona Phiona

    The fight rages on.

    • Yes it does Phiona. It never stops. We have to fall in love with the process, the rest is vanity.

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